Retons Care Supported Living Services is an established and reputable provision, holding registrations with Ofsted and a Good rating with CQC. Our services cater to individuals aged 16-25 and 18 years and above, who are actively working towards achieving independence. We work closely with local authorities or private means to ensure that the accommodation and support needs of our service users are met. Our 24-hour wrap-around service is specifically designed to support individuals diagnosed with special needs, including ADHD, Autism, Bipolar disorder, Anxiety and depression, as well as mild to moderate mental health conditions and other complex needs. We are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for our service users, promoting their well-being and independence.
At Retons Care, our collaborative approach involves working closely with social workers, leaving care advisers, family members, partner agencies, and service users to gain a comprehensive understanding of each individual’s care needs. This allows us to effectively engage with the service user and address any specific issues and requirements outlined in their personalised care plan. By doing so, we are able to deliver the highest quality of care and support, ultimately leading to more positive outcomes for the young people under our care.
To make a referral or speak with somebody from our team fill in the contact form below or get in touch by giving us a call on: 01322 314 953